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The Case Study: A Valuable Classroom Resource

Case studies are a common selling point in much of modern marketing for good reason. They are effective and tell a story and connect with our human experience, usually telling the story of a problem solved. These selling points can also help our students connect with the content in the classroom. Here are a few reasons why using a case study or two in your classroom may be worth your time:

1. It gives the student industry example.

2. It takes the student from theory to real life without leaving the classroom.

3. It doesn't feel like work to the student.

4. It makes concepts easy to recall.

5. It helps students make connections to other applications.

Instructor Christine Nguyen has put together an Infographic on case studies for her digital project (it is a great example of a well done digital project if you're still looking for a medium to do yours in) if you'd like a thorough overview. You can see it here.

Here are my notes on the infographic:

It is visually pleasing with a nice variation of images and information. It includes all of the assignment components in one efficient delivery model. The tag line is also a good idea to explain the concept in more detail without being repetitive. This is a great model for anyone thinking about making an infographic.

Blog post image is from my own instagram feed. You can find the original picture here

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