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Digital Project Resources: Powtoon Creation Tips

Since in PIDP 3250 we are to create a digital project, I have been looking at past projects both for blog post material and to decide on which software to use. I decided on powtoon as the most polished digital projects I was coming across all seemed to be using it. It has been a fun experience so far and a considerable time investment. I thought I would share a few tips in case any of my peers are also considering powtoon and are wanting the most efficient approach to learning the program.

1. Take advantage of the tutorials

They know their audience. Tutorials are short, to the point, and immensely helpful.

2. Write a script to start with

Deciding on what you want to say will make the process a lot smoother and will help you decide on the slide creation. This is the starting point recommended by Powtoon.

3. Decide on the length and slides

Powtoon recommends creating something on the shorter side as viewers' attention span studies show 90 seconds is ideal for sharing your point. For more material or if your assignment requires a longer time, aim for the shorter end of the requirements to encompass the advice. You can time your slides shorter or longer depending how they come across in pre-views.

4. Use a template as a starting point

There are many great templates if you want to have a bit of a safety net in terms of theme. Everything can be switched out including characters, shapes, backgrounds, soundtracks, etc.

5. Use youtube tutorials for additional help.

I found a great additional resource on slide speed on youtube that saved me time when I was at that stage of editing.

image at the top of the post is a screen shot of my powtoon in progress. When it is complete, I will update this post with an address you can view it at for additional example.

Happy Creating

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